Wellness allowance
Did you know that you can use your wellness allowance at Frescati Sports center?
Use your Wellness allowance at Frescati Sports Center. Choose from following options:
Value card/Wellness allowance is a flexible solution that you can use for all our sports. You also get 5% extra credits to use for our sports when you buy our value card.
Punch cards for badminton and/or table tennis. With a punch card, you play for a lower price per hour.
Sign up for a contract period (subscription) for any of our sports. Then you are guaranteed the same track/hall and time every week. In addition, at a lower price per occasion.
We provide different options for you to pay with your wellness allowance:
- We send an invoice to your employer.
- You make the purchase yourself through matchi.se or at our reception and leave the receipt to your employer.
If you make the purchase at our reception, please tell us to fill in the information you need on the receipt that you get after your purchase is done.
If you want to make a purchase on matchi.se, start by creating a free matchi profile. When you are logged in, visit Frescati Sports Centers matchi site and make the purchase. You will find the receipts for purchases on your profile in Matchi. If you need help with a receipt for e.g. a contract period, you can email info@frescatisportscenter.se. You can also email us if you are interested in obtaining a contract period.
Do you have Epassi?
Via Epassi, it is only possible to buy our punch cards and Value cards/Health care. The punch cards are used for badminton or table tennis. Value card/Health care applies to all our sports. You make the purchase via your login in Epassi, then you create an account in Matchi (if you don't already have one) and then email us at info@frescatisportscenter.se. We will add the punch card/value card to your profile office hours Mon-Fri and reply to your email when it´s done. If you want to have your clip card/value card added during weekends, you can contact our reception during our staffed hours.
Health care via Edenred
You who have Edenred as a health care provider can now use your wellness allowance with us. Download the app "MyEdenred" from Appstore or Google play, log in with your bank ID and follow the instructions. When your Edenred payment card is activated, you can use it as a regular payment card when you make your purchase with us.
Benify & Wellnet
We are currently not connected to Benify and Wellnet. First check with your employer if it is possible to submit receipts for wellness allowance. If this is not possible, you can via matchi.se buy and pay for your health care also with these health care providers.